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Original price was: $15.00.Current price is: $6.59.

Meet Mildred Peacock, mother of five, black, and fed up with poverty and the jealous rampages of her husband, Crook. When Crook runs over her foot with his ’59 Mercury, she finally kicks him out to raise her kids on her own.


ISBN: 9780451216717
Publisher: New American Library
Language: English
Page Count: 342
Publication Date: 12/6/200

Additional information

Weight 0.55 lbs
Dimensions 7.91 × 5.26 × 0.9 in

Only 1 left in stock


Mildred Peacock, a spirited African-American woman living in the declining Michigan town of Point Haven, decides to kick out her jealous husband, Crook, and raise her five children on her own, in a new edition of the best-selling author’s first novel. Reprint.

Mildred is resourceful and sly, sassy and sexy, and she’ll do anything to pay the bills. But she loses job after job, and one man after another, until alcohol and nerve pills are her only comfort. All along though, there are always her kids, the most important things in her life.

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